Legal Documents

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 385 results
Title Type Responsible Agency Issuing Agency EN MM
Notification No.7/2024 concerning the Procedure to Apply for the Export Health Certificate (EHC) Notification Department of Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.71/2024 concerning the prohibition to import air conditioners and large scale equipment such as Commercial Refrigerator, Cold Storage and Chiller Notification Environmental Conservation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.70/2024 concerning the management of waste batteries and other waste of electric vehicles Notification Environmental Conservation Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.124/2024 concerning the procedures for the establishment of slaughterhouse and slaughtering business Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.5/2024 concerning the animal health care business Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.4/2024 concerning the list of antibiotics that are not suitable to use in husbandry breeding Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.2/2024 concerning the guidelines for the domestic distribution and sale of veterinary medicine Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.1/2024 concerning the guidelines for the domestic distribution and sale of veterinary feed Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.2/2022 concerning the manufacturing of silage Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.3/2024 concerning the exportation of buffalos and cows Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.62/2020 concerning the third amendment for Income Tax Law Minister's Office Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Tax Administration Law Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.69/2019 concerning the tax exemption for Grant aid and Concessional loan Notification Minister's Office Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.47/2018 concerning the percentage to pay as income tax Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.57/2017 concerning the publication of the amendment of the Stamp law (2017) Law Union Attroney General Office picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf