Import Recommendation for Sheep and Goat
Export Recommendation and Veterinary Health Certificate for Meat and Animal Products
Procedure for Obtaining Import Recommendation of Meat and Animal Products
Export Recommendation and Veterinary Health Certificate for Hatching Eggs, Poultry
Import Recommendation for Poultry, Hatching Eggs and Birds
Procedure for Obtaining Export Recommendation and Veterinary Health Certificate for exportation of Cattle, Buffalo & Horses
Procedure for Obtaining Importation Recommendation of Horses , Cattle, Buffalo, Sheep, Goat and Bee
Import Recommendation for Cattle and Buffalo
Procedure for obtaining Export Recommendation and Veterinary Health Certificate for Animal Semen
Procedure for Obtaining Import Recommendation for Animal Semen
Export Recommendation and Veterinary Health Certificate for Animal Fur
Import Recommendation for Animal Fur
Export Recommendation and Veterinary Health Certificate for Animal Feed
Import Recommendation for Animal Feed
Import Endorsement and Operating Business License Relating to the Ozone Depleting Substances