Legal Documents

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Displaying 76 - 90 of 362 results
Title Type Responsible Agency Issuing Agency EN MM
Notification No. 71/2022 concerning the specific model year for importation of vehicles into Myanmar for the year 2023 Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.62/2022 concerning the announcement of the specific regulations which need to comply during the pilot project of the importation of electric vehicles into Myanmar Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.61/2022 concerning the announcement of the regulation for the importing of motorcycles which will sale at the motorcycle showroom Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
The Union Taxation Law 2019 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
The Union Taxation Law 2015 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
The Union Taxation Law 2022 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
The Union Taxation Law 2021 Law Internal Revenue Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Directive No.5/2020 (domestic logistic regulations for bovine) Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification regarding with the public warehouse Notification Customs Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification regarding with the expansion area of Resources Group Logistics Co.,Ltd as public warehouse Notification Customs Department Ministry of Planning and Finance picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.67/2020 (amendment of Logistic regulation for animals which prescribed as essential product) Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.30/2020 (Logistic regulation for animals which prescribed as essential product) Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
Notification No.34/2019 concerning the relevant authority for veterinary products Notification Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
News Letter No.7 /2021 (Extension of Temporary elimination for import/ export licensing requirements on certain products) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf
News Letter No.5 /2021 (Extension of Temporary elimination for import/ export licensing requirements on certain products) Notification Department of Trade Ministry of Commerce picture_as_pdf picture_as_pdf