
Import Recommendation for Poultry, Hatching Eggs and Birds

Last Updated: 2018-09-15 13:18:25

Procedures for obtaining Import Recommendation from Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation

Procedure for the Importation of Hatching Eggs, Poultry and Birds

Step (1)

A person importing hatching eggs, poultry and birds shall apply a recommendation certificate to the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department (LBVD) along with the following supporting documents.

  1. Application letter with Company letterhead signed by the company’s director
  2. Copy of Veterinary Health Certificate issued by the Veterinary authority of exporting country
  3. Farm registration certificate (if applicable)
  4. Performa Invoice
  5. Sale Contract
  6. Recommendation from the Myanmar Livestock Federation
  7. Copy of company registration issued by Directorate of Investment and Company Administration
  8. Form VI
  9. Form XXVI
  10. Certificate containing a full description or identification of the animals


Step (2)

LBVD shall check and review on the completeness of the application and register the documents. For the incomplete and incorrect application, LBVD informs the importer with reason. The importer corrects, completes and resubmit the documents. If application is rejected, the process ends here. For the complete and correct application, the LBVD shall issue the Import Recommendation certificate. After receiving the import recommendation certificate from the LBVD, the importer shall continue to apply the import license at the Ministry of Commerce.

Step (3)

Upon the arrival to designated port or border gate animal quarantine stations of Myanmar, the importer shall submit the Import Declaration and relevant documents to the Customs Department and the LBVD for laboratory test via the Myanmar Automated Cargo Clearance System (MACCS). LBVD shall examine the hatching eggs, poultry and birds and check the documents such as a health certificate signed by authorized Veterinary officer, including the individual identification of importing animals, recommendation certificate issued by the LBVD, import license issued by the Department of Trade under the MOC, original Veterinary Health Certificate issued by the Veterinary Authority of exporting country, packing list and bill of lading/Airway bill and PC3 for border trade importation.


Step (4)

If the lab test is provided with the negative result from the described diseases for hatching eggs, poultry and birds, LBVD shall issue the Veterinary Health Certificate (VHC) to the importer. The LBVD shall, with the approval of the Ministry establish Inspection Stations in required regions for inspection of imported live animals. The importer shall pay the quarantine fee, laboratory testing fee and Health Certificate fee (2 Kyats per egg and 4 Kyats per head) as determined by the LBVD.


The overall process will take from 7 to 10 days.

  1. The health certificate must include with the following information.
    1. Pedigree certificate shall accompany the imported egg or poultry for breeding purpose on arrival.
    2. The hatching egg of Day Old Chick (DOC) must be originated from an officially accredited farm.
    3. The country of origin is free from Fowl plague, Salmonella pullorum and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.
    4. During the (6) months immediately prior to export, the premises of origin must be free from clinical signs or other evidence of Avian Encephalomyelitis, Egg-drop Syndrome (EDS), Parvo Virus Infection Infectious Anaemia and Ornithosis.
    5. The hatching eggs or day-old poultry shall come from a hatchery of which the management, hygiene and disease security procedures have been approved by an authorized veterinary officer according to OIE International Animal Health Code.
    6. The hatching egg or day-old poultry shall be packed directly from the incubator to new unused boxes for export and have no contact with any eggs, poultry of other birds not similarly health status.
  2. The day-old poultry are subjected to quarantine at approved premises for a period of at least 14-30 days upon arrival during which they shall be submitted to test and / or treatments if necessary.
  3. The import or owner shall be fully charged for the incurred expenses. In the case of wild birds, which must be kept on continuous supervision and inspected within (30) days preceding the date of export.
  4. Failure to follow the import procedures may result in returning the poultry/ DOC to the country of origin or destroyed without compensation.
