
Procedure for Obtaining Certificate for Legality of Forest Products for Exportation

Last Updated: 2018-07-15 15:01:47

Obtaining Certificate for Legality of Forest Products for Exportation from the Forest Department under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

Forest Department

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation

Procedure for Obtaining Certificate for Legality of Forest Products for Exportation

Step (1)

In order to export forest products including sawn timber, it is necessary to acquire the certificate for legality of forest products. The following documents are required to submit along with the application.

  1. An application letter for legal forest products certificate signed by a person who has mentioned in the company’s Board of Director List.
  2. Authorization letter for assigning a designated person to carry out paper works such as submitting application and receiving certificates
  3. Copy of the company registration certificate from the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration
  4. Copy of Exporter/ Importer Registration Certificate from the Ministry of Commerce
  5. Copies of company’s profile, Particulars of directors, managers and agents and of any changes therein and Board of Director List. Return of Allotments
  6. Copy of the certificate of membership of the Myanmar Forest Products Merchant Federation
  7. Copy of sale contract between company and buyer and copy of invoice
  8. Quantity and detailed measurement of goods which are being applied for Legal Forest Products Certificate
  9. Original Legal documents to verify Cargos in detailed (Delivery Order and specifications, AS and Form D issued by Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE), and S2 Bill issued by the Forest Department)
  10. Sale contract between the MTE and Company if Cargos were Sawn Timber and more than one company has mentioned in DO.
  11. Original Contract, Invoice, Tax Payment Deposit, List as Traded and Commitment to comply with the rules of the Revenue Department if the exporter and owner of DO are different
  12. Log cutting order and approved sawn timber outturn (Form-G96-A)
  13. Permission and removal pass for Teak Logs and detailed measurement list

Step (2)

Director of Yangon Region Forest Department (FD) shall verify and check the application and related documents and will instruct to the inspection team for field inspection. The respective inspection team will conduct warehouse inspection to measure and mark the teak logs. The inspection team will prepare a report including the photo of the goods. For the incomplete and incorrect application, the FD informs applicant with reason. The applicant corrects and resubmits the application.

Step (3)

Based on the report from the inspection team and Chain of Custody for export cargo, the FD conduct internal meeting to make a decision whether approve or not. For the reject application, the Forest Department shall send a notification letter to the applicant. For the successful application, the FD will issue the Certificate for legality of forest product exportation.

Step (4)

The Director of Yangon Region Forest Department shall issue the Certificate for legality of forest products within 2 working days if agreed and satisfied with all the reports approved by concerned township Forest Department, inspection team and Chain of Custody for export commodity. The exporter can collect the certificate at the FD and continue to apply for the export license at the Ministry of Commerce.
